Saturday, January 07, 2006



Once in a lifetime u find friends
who touches not only ur heart
but also ur soul..

Once in a lifetime u discover someone
who stands beside u
not over u..

Once in a lifetime if u r lucky
u find someone
as i have found u

Very special people
we can be ourselves with
talk with
laugh with
hope with
and believe with...

I have very few good best friends Marini is from Kelantan. I have gone through life a lot with her. We met in 1991 at ITM Segamat when we were doing our Diploma. I've met and stayed at her house. When we were single, we share sad and sweet memories together. I called her everyday at her office and her colleagues would say i am like her boyfriend. Because I would call her and sometimes speak to her everyday. She is a nice person to be with. When she got married, I have trouble adjusting to her new life coz we could not see often. I can only speak to her over the phone. The funny thing is I even started browsing through internet looking for articles on how to cope with life when ur best friend is married..hahaha. Then I married a year after she got married. Four months later, i got pregnant does she. Our children is the same age but only different sex.

next is my coleagues. They are very nice people. I can be myself. We take care of each other. That is why i lasted for 5 years. The reason i stayed is also because of them. But i know life has to go on and i hope that we will be friends forever even if i have to work somewhere else.

I really appreciate their existence in my life.For me, who u choose to be ur best friends has significant impact towards ur life. The decisions that u make in life sometimes depends on what they advise.

I am very fortunate to have met nice friends. They help me to grow up and shape my mind how to see my life in a different way. (Not to mentioned my father too)... Posted by Picasa