Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's Confirmed

Today, i went to the clinic because last week i did the test the line was faint one. The doctor scan and can see the sac. At this point,the baby is about the size of a sesame seed. Yes, its very small.

Then, she ask me to the the upt. Finally, the line is clear as ever. 2 lines. I have to come for check up another 2 weeks. As i just had delivered arwah 4 months ago, I am terrified that it will happen again. The doctor said we must have hope and faith to what God has planned for us. We have to pray for the best and at the same time to take care of myself and my diet.

Ramadhan months is the most hectic month of the year at my work place. Working with F&B industry is very tiring especially when we have to deal with functions. I do not know whether i can cope. Last time we had F&B manager and am not involved with the operation. But now, we don't have a manager, that leave me with sleepless nights thinking whether we have the staff and equipment strength to do it. For below that 200 pax i am confident, but above that the equipment is not enough.

Anyway, I hope my pregnancy will go alright this time. I hope also I will be able to obtain the barakah of the month. To take the advantage of this month to pray hard that everything will be going smoothly.

Pray for the best..bye


Mommy Lyna said...

salam kak fynn...

jaga diri baik2 ya. :) i pray for you. insyaAllah doa byk2, bulan puasa ni Allah bukak pintu langit luas2.

mama_fynn said...

salam lina,

ya betul..kak fynn amat berharap bulan ramadhan ini tak berlalu begitu sahaja tanpa sempat kak fynn manfaatkannya.

Kak fynn doa yg terbaik buat lina

Anonymous said...

take care ye... sy ni first time mum...saja surfing cari pengalaman org2.. erm, take care taw... =)